taeyounkim LOG

WORD SMART1 영단어_B 본문



taeyounkim 2021. 7. 2. 20:16

2021.07.02 FRI

오늘은 백신을 맞았다. (2차 접종)

하지만 알파벳 B섹션이 짧아서 끝내고 싶게 생겼기 때문에 끝내보았다.



  • banal : unorignial, ordinary 평범한, 진부한
  • bane : poison; cause of harm 독, 해악, 파멸의 원인
  • belabor : To go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent
  • belie : to give a false impression of
  • belligerent : combative 싸우기 좋아하는, 호전적인
  • benefactor : one who provides help 은인, 후원자
  • benign : gentle, not harmful 온화한, 친절한, 자비로운
  • bequest : something left to someone in a will 유산, 유물
  • bereaved : deprived or left desolate, especially through death (죽음을 통하여 생명을) 빼앗기다, 황량해지다
  • blasphemy : irreverence, an insult to something held sacred 신성모독, 불경
  • blatant : unpleasantly or offensively noisy 소란스러운
  • blight : disease in plants; anything that injures or destroys 충해, 악화, 황폐
  • blithe : carefree, cheerful 즐거운, 명량한
  • bourgeois : middle class, usually in a pejorative sense; boringly conventional 중산계급, 자본가, 브루주아, 속물적인
  • **bovine : cow related 소의
  • bucolic : charmingly rural; countrylike 목가적인, 소박한
  • burgeon : to expand, flourish 성장하다, 커지다
  • burlesque : a ludicrous, mocking, or exaggerated imitation 광시, 해학극, 익살극, 풍자문

irreverence : the quality of not showing the expected respect for official, important, or holy things 불경


pejorative : having negative connotations 경멸적인


<**bovine과 같이 동물과 연관된 단어들>

canine : dogs

equine : horses

feline : cats

piscine : fish

porcine : pigs

ursine : bears


<benefactor, beneficiary, benign 등과 반대되는 뜻의 단어들>

malignant : deadly, harmful 악성의

malign : causing or intending to cause harm or evil 해로운

malevolent : causing or wanting to cause harm or evil 악의의, 적의가 있는

malefactor : a person who does bad or illegal things 범인



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