2021. 8. 20. 22:42
요즘 공부에 좀 소홀해졌다.
공부야 미안.
- ebullient : boiling, bubbling with excitement; exuberant 비등하는, 원기왕성한, 열광한
- eclectic : choosing the best from many sources; drawn from many sources 취사선택하는, 절충하는
- edify : to enlighten; to instruct, especially in moral or religious matters 교화(훈도)하다
- efface : to erase; to rub away the features of 지우다, 발산하다
- egalitarian : believing in the social and economic equality of all people 평등주의의, 평등주의자
- egregious : [ih GREE jus] extremely bad; flagrant 엄청난, 터무니없는
- elicit : to bring out; to call forth 이끌어내다, 유도하다
- elusive : hard to pin down; evasive 교묘히 빠지는, 도피하는
- eminent : well-known; respected 저명한
- encroach : to make gradual or stealthy inroads into; to trespass 침입하다, 잠식하다, 빼앗다
- endemic : native; restricted to a particular region or era; indigenous 풍토의, 한 지방의 고유한
- enervate : to reduce the strength or energy of, especially to do so gradually 원기를 빼앗다, 쇠약하게 하다
- enfranchise : to grant the previleges of citizenship; especially the right to vote 선거권을 주다
- engender : to bring into existence; to create 발생시키다, 일으키다
- enormity : extreme evil; a hideous offense; immensity 무도, 극악, 흉행, 범죄행위
- ephemeral : lasting a very short time 하루밖에 안가는, 단명한, 덧없는
- epigram : a brief and usually witty or satirical saying 경구, 풍자시
- epitome : [i PIT uh mee] a brief summary that captures the meaning of the whole 개요, 요약, 줄거리
- equanimity : composure, calm 냉정, 침착
- equitable : fair 공정한, 공평한
- equivocal : ambiguous; intentionally confusing 모호한, 의심스런, 분명하지 않은
- erudite : scholarly; deeply learned 박식한, 유식한
- esoteric : hard to understand 심원한, 난해한
- espouse : to support; to advocate 지지하다, 옹호하다
- ethereal : [ih THIR ee ul] heavenly, as light and insubstantial as a gas or ether 천상의, 공기같은, 가벼운
- euphemism : a pleasant or inoffensive expression used in a place of an unpleasant or offensive one 완곡어법
- evanscent : fleeting; vanishing 차츰 사라지는, 덧없는
- exacerbate : to make worse 더하게 하다, 악화시키다
- exacting : extremely demanding; difficult; requiring great skill or care 엄한, 가혹한, 힘든, 착취적인
- exalt : to raise high; to glorify 높이다, 승진시키다, 칭찬하다
- exasperate : to annoy thoroughly; to make very angry 노하게 하다, 분개시키다
- exhort : to urge strongly; to give a serious warning to 간곡히 타이르다, 권하다, 훈계하다
- exigency : an emergency; an urgency 위급, 긴급한 상태
- exonerate : to free completely from blame; to exculpate 용서하다, 구하다, 무죄로 하다
- expatriate : to throw out of his or her native land; to emigrate 국외로 추방하다, 이민하다
- expedient : [ik SPEE dee unt] providing an immediate advantage; serving ones immediate self-interest 유리한
- expedite : [EK spi dyte] to speed up or ease the progress of 재촉하다, 촉진하다
- explicit : clearly and directly expressed 명백한, 뚜렷한, 노골적인 <--> implicit
- extol : to praise highly; to laud 칭찬하다, 극찬하다
- extraneous : unnecessary; irrelevant; extra 불필요한, 부적절한
- extrapolate : to project or deduce from something known; to infer 통계에서 외삽법에 의해 추정하다, 추론하다
- extricate : to free from difficulty 구출하다, 탈출하다
- exult : to rejoice; to celebrate 크게 기뻐하다, 기뻐 날뛰다