My College
This is the college that I attend to. Yonsei University.
I really like my school.
It would be great to introduce my school for people who dream of entering this school or for someone just passing by wandering this and that blogs.
I need to trace back to my childhood to explain my preference for this school.
My dad is a graduate of Yonsei University. He entered this college in the year 1989, after re-taking the college entrance exam he failed the previous year. Thanks to him, I had chances to visit the school for graduation ceremonies (he also went to achieve a MBA in 2007) and some ceremonies. Also, I live pretty near the school and that made me take a glance at the students and the gorgeous builldings the school has. My first feeling for Yonsei was a smooth and nice one. It had a royal atmosphere, and students seemed to be full of eager to study in order to accomplish their goals.
I worked damn hard throughout my high school times to enter Yonsei, or colleges at that caliber. As it is widely known, tough competition makes students in Korea exhausted and extremely stressed. But I feel I relatively felt less of it due to the motivation that I had.
After 3 years of long waiting, I got accepted to Yonsei, applying for two different types of admission. :):)
It was probably one of the best days in my life. (Though I got declined by 2 schools that I really hoped to get admitted to.)
Now I have gone through 3 semesters, I experienced quite a lot about this school. First of all, I love wandering around my school. It has a stunning view. The Baekyang Street that devides the left and right part of the school just like Han River is a place where you can encounter every single students in the school. It's because almost everyone passes through the main entrance which directly leads to Baekyang Street. At the end of the street, you run into this beautiful Underwood building standing right behind the Underwood statue.(The founder of our school)
This is the building that many take photos of, especially for those who have their partners. (Sad me) Christmas tree is also lit up right in front of this building in winters. There is a giant tree there, so the lighting ceremony of that tree is being held every year, so I am planning not to miss out on a single event after I get released from the military. It is just BEAUTIFUL to watch the glittering christmas tree in christmas times.
I believe that we also have excellent connection in Yonsei. Graduates from Yonsei can be seen in many fields such as many famous celebrities, politicians, CEOs, executives for major companies, judges... you name 'em. This means that wherever we get a job, we always have some kind of a connection and can get more information and care than people who don't. In our school's community websites, many share their thoughts about their careers and seniors give out advices to them kindly. We have a high sense of solidarity, which leads us to have a better and higher chance to the path of success.
There are tons of more reasons why I love my school and why I think the decision to enroll here was a great choice. I have more semesters to come, which means I have more time to endure meet the high standard this school requires, but all of the process is a great experience and a source of motivation for me. I believe that Yonsei will act as the cornerstone of success and I am willing to accept the challenges it charges on me.