pointer practice 2 (program to find the largest and smallest elements in an array)
#include <stdio.h>
#define NUM 10
void max_min(int a[], int n, int *, int *); /*declare prototype of function*/
int main()
int array[NUM];
int big, small;
printf("Enter 10 numbers: ");
for(int i=0; i<NUM; i++){
scanf("%d", &array[i]); /*read the value by scanf, and save it into array[i]*/
max_min(array, NUM, &big, &small); /*max points to big, min points to small*/
printf("Maximum number is: %d\n", big);
printf("Minimum number is: %d", small);
return 0;
void max_min(int a[], int n, int *max, int *min) /*compare the numbers and sort out the max/min number*/
*max = *min = a[0];
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
if (*max < a[i])
*max = a[i];
else if(*min > a[i])
*min = a[i];